If you are organizing a conference, long or short, Zlingit may be a solution that makes your audience extra engaged!
With Zlingit you can create a unique experience for your audience and partners. Zlingit is a web-based application that integrates with Facebook Messenger enableling your to create an app-based experience inside the Messenger platform (soon Instagram Messages as well).
This is a perfect option if your organization is managing the same events every year.
Sign up process + Zlingit = True
Enable people to sign up for your event through Messenger by linking your sign up page with Zlingit. You don't have a ticket system? Do not worry, Zlingit got you covered! We have multiple partners that you can use and we will help you set everything up!
Our system will automatically send out an update before the event is starting through Messenger.
Why is Messenger better than Email? Read this
Messages, Feedback, and Follow-ups Send out automated and personalized Reminders, Welcome, and Thanks You messages to all participants. Enable them to get notifications about similar events.
Send out feedback forms after the event to measure what the audience thought. Our system knows if they filled in the feedback and can do a follow-up to those who did not complete it to increase the number of answers. The user could always decide to turn off the follow-ups
Reward loyal customers
If you are hosting several events per year, Zlingits loyalty system is a perfect fit for you!
Zlingit can measure your returning customers based on the number of sign-ups. This enables you to send out automatic updates about events they might be interested in. You could even reward returning customers with sweet deals or discounts for other events, discount in your store or whatever you feel like match your business objective the most.
Automatic customer support
Use Zlingit to automate answers to the most common questions you receive via Messenger or Instagram
- Opening hours,
- Address,
- Telephone number,
- Appointment,
- Prices
- and much more
We can easily adapt the answers based on the questions you want to answer
Email support
If the person does not find their answer, they can easily choose to send a question via Messenger that ends up in your E-mail. You can then choose to respond to the customer via your email or directly in Messenger.
Live chat
You can also enable people to open a live chat with one of your employees to be able to answer their questions faster.
For the audience and visitors
Create an interactive experience between the audience and the speakers before, during, and after the event. Measure who's your most engaged audience is and create a lookalike audience to attract similar people for next year
Quiz Competitions Test the audience's knowledge to see what they know about the subject before the event. Do the same test after the event to see the improvement Motivate people to participate by giving them a nice prize or a prize to the person with the most right answers and the person who improved their knowledge the most
Votings Enable users to vote for different subjects that the speakers are talking about. Ex. Do you believe Zlingit could help you increase engagement with your customers? - Yes - No Measure the results to make the experience more engaging
Q&A's Enable the audience to ask questions to the speakers before or during the event. This is a perfect solution if you are planning a fireside discussion.
Digital Treasure Hunt Take your audience on an exciting treasure hunt in the field of knowledge, physically or digitally. Hide different clues around the facilities, on your web, social media pages, in videos, etc to drive engagement. This is a great and fun option to drive traffic to potential partners and display them to the audience.
By rewarding participants for their engagement, you can create a leaderboard to spur even more engagement. Have a grand prize for the most engaged audience to create even more engagement. Use the engagement to create new interesting commercial opportunities for potential partners.
Other information
Enable the audience to access the schedule for each day, the map over the conference (if you have different stages), what companies are exhibiting, your partners, and any other important information you want them to access with ease.
Skip the handouts, save some money, and make a positive impact on the environment!
For commercial partners
Do you actively work with different forms of partners? Does your event drive a large number of spectators to your city?
Use Zlingit's interactive marketing system to offer your partners something really special
Enable partners to display their logo in one of the competitions and measure how many people engaged with their brand
Transform their brand into a fun digital game where they can extract interesting insight about what the audience knows about their brand. Insights they can use to improve their brand awareness.
Enable partners to give out digital coupons or discounts to your audience and measure how many customers you have generated to their store
Side note
If your business surrounds around the event, but if your main business is actually something else or if you are selling product alongside the event, then Zlingit is a perfect option to improve your marketing capabilities. Read more
Pick and choose your own package
Read more about different features that you could work with